Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hello Kitty FAIL

Lily has been begging me, I mean seriously driving me bonkers, begging meeee to make this Hello Kitty stepping stone she got for her birthday from Embry. It seems easy enough. And really, it seems pretty straight forward and this admittedly is completely user error here.

So. Step one. Open box. Check! 

Step two. Put on gloves and face mask. Ok, I may have skipped that part and let Lily wear them.

Step three. Carefully use the right temp of water (not too warm, but not too cold) slowly, but FAST(you only have ONE to maybe three minutes) to mix three bags of plaster or whatever the heck it is in the mold with a wood stick. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Funny joke guys.

Around the 2nd bag my wood stick broke, I was covered in plaster, and my throat hurt from inhaling god knows what. (I know I know, my fault on the last two)

Step four. Mix like a mad woman and massage the plaster with your bare hands while it's quickly hardening around your fingers and somehow flatten it into the mold. As you can see...well, it's in the mold right?

I am just going to trust that it looks awesome on the right side. 

I had to check the box to see what age level they suggest this for. 6+ eh? Well, who am I to argue?

PJ's and Pancakes

All the planning, prep, worrying, discussion, anticipation, etc. came to a head on Sunday morning as we celebrated Lily's 5th birthday PJ's and Pancakes style.


I invited a lot of people. A lot. We had 11 kids plus parents and friends. Over 30 people in my house. 


It went perfectly. Like scary good. The kids were excellent. I sincerely love these kids. They colored on the butcher paper table covering, made fruit loop necklaces, ate pancakes and berries, went on a treasure hunt, danced, played a guessing goody jar game (which one kid actually guessed the exact amount and won the whole thing!) Then opened presents (Lily's proclaimed favorite part) then hung out. 

I did leave out one minor detail. Beth, one of my oldest friends, came over at 8am and took over my kitchen in the best way possible. She mixed, poured, and flipped around 50-60 giant pancakes! Yep. Pretty amazing. 

Now here are some random pictures from the whole thing. I only managed to take a few, but Beth got the video and the rest and I am so very grateful.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Spirograph: Take 1

I showed and instructed Lily how to use the spirograph and this thing says 8+ on the box so I was a little concerned, but leave it to Lily and her affinity with any kind of arts and crafts and she figured it out straight away! She is currently testing each wheel out.

Creature Feature

I love that I can just go to the Zoo and bam there is an educational circle story time plus an animal encounter every day at 10:30am.

Fall sensory bin

Creature Feature Story 

Fat tailed Gecko

Thanks to Aunt Kristine for teaching us Penguins are much like cats. You can control them with your finger.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Art Wall

Clay leaf bowl

Today we went to the library story time. It was awesome. Exactly what I was hoping for and more. She had to sit still and listen to the librarian and she did amazing. They sang songs, read stories, did felt stories, more songs, more stories and a goodbye song.

We then went and picked up some craft supplies for a clay leaf project. She also got a sketchbook because we are going to learn some drawing skills. Aaaand I may have got a spirograph set..for Lily. Right.

Ok. Clay Leaf Bowl. It's going to take 2-3 days to dry and then Lily will paint it and gloss it. First we drove around and picked/found giant leaves. Lily then rolled out the clay and rolled a leaf into it and removed it. Then I cut out the leaf and put it into a bowl to dry into a bowl type shape. I will post a picture when it's all done.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Lily woke up today 5 years old! She was greeted with a Corgi balloon and a Hello Kitty card. Waffles with Stella and Luca. Then we decorated the house for her party this Sunday. We baked GIANT ENORMOUS funfetti cupcakes and went present shopping and got a new Busytown Mysteries game. It's also Taco Tuesday (her favorite day!) so we had tacos for dinner with friends. Phew! Time for bed.


She had to bathe with the corgi watching her. 

Funfetti cupcakes!

Lily's new 6ft long Busytown game! Everyone wins! Blech. Zach and I deserve a medal for getting the kids though that game! =)
